
In this day and age, some superheroes have a dark side, so it’s important to know which ones are good role models for your child!

When you are planning a birthday party for your child, the last thing that you want is to decorate their party with images and props of a superhero that isn’t a great role model. Kids can learn a lot from the superheroes they look up to, but not all superheroes make great role models. In our last blog, we talked about a couple of the best superheroes to include in your child’s party. Here are a couple more:

#3.  Professor X

Professor X, also known as Charles Xavier, is essentially the leader of the X-Men, and although he has lots of reasons to play dirty, he never does. Professor X is all about doing the right thing even when it is difficult, which makes him an ideal role model for kids of all ages.

#4. Mr. Incredible

Although The Incredibles have never graced the pages of comic books, they are certainly some of the best role models for kids. Mr. Incredible does whatever it takes to protect his family and keep it together, and although he certainly has his faults, he is a great superhero to look up to.

Here at Big Apple Props, we can utilize our professional foam fabrication to bring any superhero your child love to life. In our next blog, we’ll touch on the last few superheroes that make great role models for kids, so if you would like to learn more, please stay tuned!